Monday, February 20, 2006

1 hour

18*, so 1 hour trainer ride. Monday, on my 'normal' training schedule will be either an off day (depending on how thrashed after Race Sunday I feel) of easy recovery day. Although, I can't just sit and spin on the trainer. i have to do intervals or the time goes by way to slow. Doing int's segments the time and make sit go by much faster. So I did my standard hour trainer ride, which is: 20 min spin, 1 one legged drill set (10 min) 10 min spin, 10 min climb (stand in hardest gear) 5 min spin, 5 min easy spin to cool down. Tuesday is strenght day, or hill reps. I think it may be okay tomorrow to get outside and check out the hill I have in mind for reps. It's a big bastard and part of the Hoosier Hills route. It may be too steep for big gear reps, we'll see. I'll get it worked out one way or another, just may have to gear down a little.

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