Monday, March 06, 2006

Easy a.m. spin

I spun on the rollers fro an hour this morning to get the race out of my legs. I felt fine when I got up. I was a little tired and had to kind of drag myself out of bed, but I've been worse. I ate a Cliff Buidler high protein bar post race, a PBJ peanut buter and Jam, I hate jelly) on the drive home and had some red meat at dinner. So I had no shortage of recovery fuel. Knowing what;s in foods and what those things do is an awesome thing. Coach Andy Creer has been trying to get me into this for years, but only fairly recently have I grasped it. An athletes body needs different hings at different times and you can do yourself some real favors if you pay attention to that.
Tomorrow is looking pretty good for a big outside ride. I'll get ahold of Ryan and Tim and whomever later and see whats going down.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Have you read the Zone book? It talks a lot about how your body uses the foods you eat. Such a scientifc explanation and is a very intriguing read. Seeing how well you take care of yourself, you have probably already read this one.