Sunday, February 24, 2008

Unfounded fear...

…so far anyway. I spent most of the week in fear of getting sick. My 2 main-time coworkers got deathly ill this week and one was out all week. He said he spent 5 days in the worst pain of his life. Then it started to spread to other workers and I was scared I was next. I didn’t mind managing the bike shop alone, just as long as the sicky sickertons were not there to contaminate me. I made a special stay healthy elixir that was boiling water, half a lemon, a chunk of ginger root, cayenne pepper and honey. I chugged several doses of this over a few day period, hoping it would work magic; so far so good.
After last Sunday’s wind tunnel ride I was able to get outside again Monday for an hour or so. It started snowing while I was out (kind of hard too), but the temps weren’t too bad.
The rest of the training week was spent inside. We had a significant icing Thursday, so all is frozen for the weekend. I thought there would be a chance of getting out today, but no dice. I’ve dodged the 3 hour-indoor-ride-bullet so far this year, but today was the breaker. I spent 2 hours on trainer, then took a break to do some stuff I needed to get done, then rode rollers for the additional ~hour I needed. I got 11 hours in for the week, so it’s not too bad of a week for mostly inside miles.
What I did during my break was finish up my bike storage hanger system. Earlier in the week I tore out some storage cabinet things in our basement (there were four, so I tore out two and left two), and made a hook system to hang up 4 bikes where the other two cabinets were. It’s really sweet and looks really good. Plus it gets "out of season" bike out of the way. Also, a coworker let me borrow her sawzall to cut out some parts of the old cabinets, and let tell you, if you’ve never used a sawzall, these things are awesome. Super dangerous, but totally awesome. They just tear right through whatever you put in front of them.
So that’s this week. I have to believe that this next cold snap that’s forecasted will be the last. We’re running ~10* below normal as is, and there’s another one of the temps-in-teens snaps coming, so it has to be nearly over, right???

1 comment:

mat steinmetz said...

I think eating well plays a major role in not getting sick.

If the weather is crap, I'd save your mental toughness for the season and just do a quality 60-90 minute session on the trainer. No point in driving yourself crazy--unless you like to.