Sunday, February 10, 2008

Week off--over

It was a good week off and hopefully I feel less tired, more recovered and stronger in the following weeks.
This past Thursday was the final home meet for my high school swim coach, so I went home for the evening to see my parents for a bit and attend the meet. I got to see some people I haven’t seen for ~10 years, and see Coach Mullen off into retirement (he has coach swimming for 40 some years!). It was nice. Plus it was nice to get out of town (and out of work) for a little road trip.
I also went to my second ART session and my neck/back is 99% better. There’s still a little pain in my neck, but it feels more like a mild stiff-neck and less like my muscles are wound up like golf balls.
So next week I’ll start my Feb.-March training block, which is pretty much the same as my summer training block(s), but that allows for inside riding and two lift sessions (which means two days of two-a-days). I’m right where I want to be mentally this time of year and this week off helped that a lot. I want to get back on my bike, as opposed to dreading it. I’m doing well physically too; I may say I’m ahead of where I expected to be. I don’t want to get overconfident though. I just know I’m riding outside really well against the people I like to use as rulers (Ryan Shanahan is more of a meter stick than a ruler though).

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