Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Itunes mystery

I got the osundtrack from the NBC movie "The 60's" to rip the song "The Weight" by The Band off of. I clicked to 'import' the track into Itunes, came back later and all of my music was gone. All of it. My Itunes library was empty. I have no idea what I did. I was able to find most of my music by using the 'search' fucnction from the start menu and searching for all .mp3 files. I am in the proccess of refilling the library with all the songs found on my hard drive and CD's that I own, but couldn't find on the hard drive. With the $200 of Itunes gift cards I got for resigning my lease, it's no problem re-getting the songs I purchased. I had to re-buy all of the Abba I had. I can't make an Ipod playlist w/out Abba. Anywho, it's been a pain, but I'm getting ot done.
Lindsay and I went and checked out the Cold Stone Creamery ice cream joint tonight. I had never heard of it, but we've had company the last two weekends and both of the people(s) that were here were all like "oh man, you have a Cold Stone here? you're lucky" or whatever. I decided we'd check it due to all the flare. It's pretty hella good. They take the ice cream and out it on a slab, or a cold stone if you will, then fold the toppings into it. It's good stuff.
B-Town CX tomorrow. Suppossed to rain. Could be good...

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