Monday, March 31, 2008

One race down. Whole season to go.

I had a pretty slow week, because I have a cold. I basically have been training through it, but lower volume and lower overall intensity. I left work early on Thursday, I just felt too bad. I stayed in bed for ~17hrs, which ruled and I think was good for me. I actually had a decent outside ride Wed, but had just 5 hours in going into the weekend.
So I (somewhat reluctantly) went to Oxford, OH to race Sunday. The reluctance came form my being sick and it being cold and rainy. The brave soldiers we are, we went. It rained. It was cold. It was windy. It was a true spring race. It was fast and I had little top end due to my cold. I won’t bore w/ all the details, but the Cat III’s were all together for the final two laps and w/ two to go, I found myself in a four man break away that failed, then on the last lap found myself off the front solo, was reeled in by three guys, none of whom would work w/ each other to stay off to take 1-2-3-4, so we were caught and I finished in the bunch. I’d guess around 13th. Whatever, the conditions were far less than ideal, I was sick (I clearly like using that excuse) and I hung. Blah.
So starts a new week w/ rain forecasted as far as the computer can see. More inside riding. That’s probably good so I can lower my intensity and kill this cold.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I think being sick is a great excuse if you are going to use one. Glad you got some extra rest and realized it was good for you!