Friday, December 05, 2008


Yesterday and today have been busts weather wise.
Yesterday i suited up to head out for 1.5-2hrs. It was cold (22-24*), but dry w/ the sun peaking out. I got over the hill across from our house and noticed along the 3minute trek that there was that real thin "black ice" everywhere. I decided this would a dangerous ride and turned around. It was a killer ~5min workout! I did some things around the house I've been putting off, and went to work early; I don't want to get on the trainer for another week.
Today I knew it was gong to be too cold, so I planned a roller ride. It was 14.7* (but sunny??) so i got on the rollers for 47min and spun out.
So much stuff: tonight is the Detroit Cobras show in Indy. Then Sunday is the finale' of the OVCX Series in Indy. It's going to be cold for that one.
Then I'm taking next week off training, and starting in w/ strength work and two-a-days twice a week the following week (or I may not start two-a's till Jan. we'll see).
And the Bloomington Underground Cross Schedule was announced this week, so I have that to do too.
Oh well, one day at a time. Though, the first B-town UG CX is technically the last day of my week off, so I'll have 6 days off instead of the full seven. Whatever.

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