Wednesday, December 24, 2008

X mas eve eve

This is the first thing I came up w/ for "Santa Riding a Bike." It is of course not a bike at all, but a trike (you know, one of them three wheeled bikes, as the Rubes call it).
Lindsay got back from her parents house fine on Monday. She wasn't feeling great and for a minute thought about delaying until Tuesday, which as it turns out would have been a terrible idea w/ yesterday's weather.

So because we're going to my parent's tonight (xmas eve), we had our 'Christmas' last night. Her parents sent me back some local OK goodies, amongst other things and Lindsay got me a couple cans of Jittery Joe's coffee.Not only is JJs good, but it goes directly to supporting the JJ's cycling team. Plus it's expensive enough that I never buy it for myself, so I'm pumped to get it.

Weather looks okay for travel today and I thought I may be able to get out for a couple hours before we leave. It's close to 50*, but it's pouring rain. I guess it'll be inside. Speaking of inside I got my first 3+hr inside day on for the year this past Sunday, you know, the day it was 11* for the high and 1 low.

I had the brilliant idea to break up the day into 3 sessions. I did a 1hr 15min trainer sess while my laundry dried, then stopped and folded it. Then did another (but different) 1hr 15min trainer sess, then jumped right on a 45min roller sess. It went by pretty fast that way.I figure the 20 or so min break I took is probably roughly equal to time spend at stop lights, peeing, general coasting/softing, etc, so it worked out pretty good.

So for my 'monster' training week (yeah right), I put in 12hrs. I also, however, worked 40. I worked out every morning and every evening except Thursday, and that night I made a steak dinner for myself. The beauty of the week, while not a total crusher hour wise, was that I started my lifting and resumed my running regime, and while sore all-to-hell, I grimaced through it for additional sessions, rather than "resting up from being sore."

And I should say that by Friday night's roller ride, which was my 11th session of the week, I cut it short due to mental fry. I think I spun for 20 of the scheduled 42min. Whatever.

In the look ahead, this Sunday is looking to be outside rideable.

Well a Merry Christmas to all!

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