Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I actually rode outside today. It was 21* and is 25* now. The sun is out, so I sucked it up and went out. I rode the cross bike over to Cascades Park and did ints on the big dirt hill next to the water fall; the one I worte about last week (Tough CX Jan. 26). I did 3 intervals on the loop I made and combined with getting there and back I was out for about an hour. Not bad considering how cold it is. My toes hurt right now, as they're becoming un-numbed.
On my way through town I got pulled over by 5-0. I went through the two stop signs that i go through every day I ride, and one I go through every day to work; thought nothing of it. A cop pulls behind me and hit his siren/horn thing. I looked back and decided to play dumb and just keep riding. He pulled around me and pointed for me to pull over so he pulled over in front of me and I rode up to his passenger window. He said "you have to stop at stop signs just like cars" me"I know"
him "I just got you going through 2 god damned stop signs"
me "okay"
him "do you want a $118 ticket?"
me "uhhhh, no"
him "well, stop at the god damned stop signs"
me "gottcha" and rode off.
Lesson learned, pay closer attention when blowing stop signs. I only look for traffic that is a hazard to me (cross traffic and people turning left toward me). I need to look behind to to make sure the fuzz ain't there becuase $118 is a different kind of hazard, but a hazard all the same. And apparently here, like most places, The Man doesn't mind wasting his time fucking with cyclists.


Randy Lewandowski said...

I’d say that this would probably never happen here in Muncie.

Tim Green said...

Yeah, I don't that would happen in Muncie either. Last night Jay said the same thing happened to him In Florida by a smartass policeman.